Monday, November 17, 2008

4.3 TRILLION of something--guess what?

That's a big number, eh? This is the number of dollars recently doled out by our most benevolent mother, as reported at CNBC. How is mother paying for this? Well, I don't think she is, but she is able to "print" dollars at will, so who cares, right? I do. Ultimately, anyone holding or earning money is paying for this.

My big question is how am I being represented in all this? (Isn't it about time we had another big tea party?) Wouldn't it be odd if the folks responsible for making laws actually followed some of them? Maybe start with the constitution, and throw away anything in conflict with that document as a start.

Oh, well, who is John Galt? As Dennis said in Monty Python's Holy Grail, "You don't vote for king". No, Dennis, you don't. You also don't vote for the secretary of treasury or anyone running a central bank.

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